Saturday, September 26, 2015

21 Years of Diabetes

21 years ago, on September 26th, my parents got a phone call from the doctors office asking them to bring me to the hospital so they could confirm the test results they had gotten. My dad told them that we would come first thing in the morning and they told him I may not wake up the next morning. He woke me up and we waited for my mom to come home. 
My parents and I rushed to the hospital, where they drew more blood. We were then sent to the children's hospital in the city and placed in a waiting room for 6 hours before anyone would tell us anything. Around 5 am, we were settled into a room and informed that I have type 1 diabetes.  

I am told that the CDE assured my parents I would live a long and happy life, and that I could do anything I wanted.  Also, not to let me watch Steel Magnolias.  
The next week was a blur of information and education.  Everything seemed impossible. I cannot imagine how my parents felt. They were the age I am now at the time of my diagnosis. I cannot even imagine being 31 and spending a week in the hospital with my child. But it wasn't impossible.  And we got through it

So, here(raises glass) is to 21 years of putting diabetes in its place and making it my bitch!  21 years of poking my finger and checking my blood sugar. 13 years of injections (in college I was taking upwards of 12 a day to stay healthy) and 8 years of pumping. 21 years of seeing a doctor every 3 months, along with a full blood workup. Yearly eye exams and kidney tests. Counting EVERY SINGLE carbohydrate that is eaten.  21 years of making sure my dose of insulin is correct (yay math!!). And 21 years of people never truly understanding. 
And here(raises glass again) is to the last 3 years, where I have made the most amazing friends, and learned how to be stronger. Where I have found love and support, (which I always had from my family) from people who really and truly get it. 1 week a year, I am lifted up and inspired by some of the most amazing diabuddies (diabetes buddies) a girl could ever hope for. I have learned so much from them, how to be my own voice, that one number is not the end of the world, and when all else fails, tomorrow is a new day. 
Tomorrow I will take a moment to remember how strong I am and be thankful for all that I have learned, and all that I have. Sometime this week, I will do something special to celebrate my 21st diaversary (diabetes diagnosis anniversary).  It won't be as epic as a tattoo, which I happened to get on my 18th diaversary, but it will still be awesome!. Maybe a movie, lunch out and a massage (thanks for the gift card, baby bro!).